Saturday, September 7, 2013

Coming Home



When I first started taking trips by plane, homecomings were exciting. My parents were there to meet right as I got off the plane.  There was something exhilarating in walking off the plane and right the arms of my Mom and Dad.  Then came 9-11 and security measures tightened. Loved ones had to wait awhile longer. Shortly before 9-11, my Mom went to Heaven, and it was my Dad who would meet me at the terminal.  There was still that same sense of anticipation … long trip … how I long to see a familiar face and the lights of home. Now, he has left for Heaven and I still travel and am still met by familiar friends and faces; however I miss being greeted by my family.  I am not looking for commiseration – I write this to make a point. As these thoughts went through my mind on a recent plane trip, my mind drifted to the portals of glory where I know they await. As I walk down the runway of death in God’s timing (whenever that maybe) or if Jesus raptures us all,  Mom and Dad may well be standing there at the portals of glory to help welcome me home – not ahead of Jesus—He must be first, because He’s the only reason I can even think of making it to Heaven.  I can sense and feel the excitement and the love.  God is good!

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