Saturday, December 24, 2016

Christmas 2016 Blogpost


He Saw…He Came…He Conquered

“I came…I saw…I conquered” are three statements normally attributed to Julius Caesar, but if their order is reversed as in the title, then you have the essence of the Christmas story.  Think for a few moments with me.  

“He saw.”   In eternity past, God saw the desperate need that would exist among those that He created in His image.  He knew they would walk away from His perfect plan. They would reject Him, going their own way and so a plan was forged in eternity past to reconcile these erring ones back to His heart (Revelation 13:8). In due time the plan would come to fruition. 

“He came.”   Galatians 4:4 tells us that “in the fullness of time, God sent forth this Son …”  This Son is one whose birth we honor at Christmas time – our Savior Jesus Christ.  Multiple Old Testament prophecies were delivered regarding his life and fulfilled in His coming.  John 1:14 reveals that as the God-man, He walked among us showing grace and truth – in perfect balance. Grace without truth will lead to a life governed only by one’s passions, but truth without grace will lead to cold, dead legalism. He showed grace and truth in an effort to lead us to the Father.  Yet the mere demonstration of such a life was not enough. In truth, He came to die … to atone for the sins of each person who had ever walked the earth or ever will.  I know He came for me … He died for me … He rose from the dead for me.  That is the essence of the Christmas story. 

“He conquered.”  Last night while watching Frozen, I heard the comment, “The heart is not easily conquered…”  And so it is not.  It took an act of selfless love to save both Ana and Elsa from the ice that had frozen their hearts.  I am forever grateful the unconditional, unfailing love of Christ that conquered my heart and brought me into the family of God.
He saw my need… He came and provided for that need…I am happy to say that He has conquered my heart. 

I ask you, have you allowed Him to conquer your heart?  Where is your hope this Christmas?

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