Saturday, June 20, 2020

Father's Day Biopoem

Father’s Day Biopoem

Bill (James)

Generous, Outspoken, Compassionate

Husband of Miriam, Father  of Cathie, Child of God, Friend of many

Who believed that Jesus died for everyone, Who looked out for the underdog and the elderly, Who was generous with his time and resources for the cause of Christ.

Who worked for Western Electric Company, Who worked as a tax accountant and an auctioneer, mainly because he liked to stay busy. Yet He never neglected his family or the Lord’s work. Who enjoyed watching movies with his daughter especially  in the closing months of his life.

Who feared that his daughter would die as a result of a disorder with which she was born. Who feared that his wife would die as a result of her heart condition. Who feared little else as he stood for what he believed to be right.

Who, along with his wife, opened his home to visiting missionaries and traveling preachers, Who picked up children for Sunday school,  Who opened his home to a Bible Club for children

Who wanted to provide well for his wife and daughter , who wanted to enjoy life by helping others, who wanted to exalt Christ – as some of his last words were – “Let me go to Heaven, because in my Father’s house are many mansions” and “I love you.”


Thanks for the memories --- Until then …