Saturday, May 7, 2016

Mother's Day Biopoem

In honor of Mother's Day, I wrote a biopoem for my mother. This is my 15th Mother's Day without her, and they don't get any easier.  This I know that I was immeasurably blessed to have Miriam Chatmon as my mother and that God makes no mistakes. Until then... I will seek to honor her memory and glorify God.


Kind, Gentle Courageous 

Wife of Bill (James), Mother of Cathie, Nurse for AT&T, Friend of many

Who believed that Jesus died for all people, who believed that God would give people the strength to follow and pursue their dreams and goals in His will, who gave much to the cause of Christ in strength and resources

Who entered the field of nursing and succeeded when doctors scoffed at her desire, who encouraged her daughter in every endeavor she undertook, who loved her husband and daughter without reservation, who kept Jesus first so she could love others better because of it

Who feared that her daughter would die or just give up because of her physical limitations, who feared that her own death would leave deep an irreparable hole in the hearts and lives of her husband and daughter

Who opened her home to missionaries and traveling ministers, who had wanted to be a missionary herself but was denied the opportunity, who sought a way to help reach the children of two neighborhoods with the Gospel of Christ

Who wanted Christ to be exalted in her life despite the debilitating illness that she faced much of her life , who wanted to study the Word and draw closer to Jesus, who wanted God to use her despite her imperfections. 
